50 Must-Know Excel Keyboard Shortcuts: Boost Your Efficiency Today

50 Must-Know Excel Keyboard Shortcuts: Boost Your Efficiency Today

Master Excel like a pro with our list of 50 essential keyboard shortcuts. From navigation and data entry to formatting and data analysis, these shortcuts will supercharge your productivity.

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Navigation Shortcuts

These shortcuts are your bread and butter for moving around an Excel sheet with agility.

  • Ctrl + Arrow Key: Navigate to the edge of data region (Imagine having a long list of data and you quickly want to get to the last filled cell. Use this shortcut.)
  • Alt + Page Down: Move one screen to the right
  • Alt + Page Up: Move one screen to the left
  • Ctrl + Home: Go to cell A1
  • Ctrl + End: Go to the last cell with data

Data Entry and Editing

Excel’s real power is in its capability to handle complex data entry tasks.

  • Alt + E, S, V: Paste special (For instance, if you’re copying a cell that has both formula and formatting, but you only need the value, Paste Special will be a lifesaver.)
  • Ctrl + D: Fill down
  • Ctrl + R: Fill right
  • F2: Edit active cell
  • Alt + Enter: Start a new line within a cell

Selection Shortcuts

Selection shortcuts help in making bulk changes to cells or in applying functions.

  • Shift + Space: Select entire row (Ever needed to delete an entire row? This shortcut followed by the delete key will get it done in a snap.)
  • Ctrl + Space: Select entire column
  • Ctrl + Shift + L: Add or remove filters
  • Shift + Arrow Key: Extend cell selection
  • Ctrl + Shift + Arrow Key: Extend cell selection to the last non-blank cell

Workbook and Worksheet

Managing the workbook itself and switching between sheets is often an underrated skill in Excel.

  • Ctrl + N: New workbook
  • Ctrl + O: Open workbook
  • Ctrl + S: Save workbook
  • Ctrl + P: Print workbook
  • Ctrl + Tab: Switch between open workbooks (When you have multiple workbooks open, this lets you flip through them much like you would switch between tabs in a web browser.)
  • Ctrl + Page Up: Move to previous worksheet
  • Ctrl + Page Down: Move to next worksheet


Formatting shortcuts are useful for adding the necessary emphasis or clarity to your data.

  • Ctrl + B: Bold (If you’re presenting data to clients, making key figures bold can make a huge impact, and this shortcut makes it effortless.)
  • Ctrl + I: Italic
  • Ctrl + U: Underline
  • Alt + H, B, A: Add all borders
  • Alt + H, H: Fill cell background
  • Alt + H, F, C: Fill font color

Formulas and Functions

The core of Excel’s utility is in its computational abilities.

  • Alt + M: Open Formula tab
  • F4: Repeat last action
  • Ctrl + `: Show or hide formulas (This toggles the view to show the formulas behind the cell values, invaluable for debugging.)
  • Shift + F3: Open function insert dialog
  • Ctrl + Shift + Enter: Enter formula as array formula

Data Analysis

  • Alt + A, T: Add table (Converting a dataset into a table allows you to manage and analyze related data more easily.)
  • Ctrl + Q: Quick Analysis Tool
  • Alt + D, G, G: Group selected cells
  • Alt + D, U, U: Ungroup selected cells
  • Alt + A, S, S: Sort data ascending
  • Alt + A, S, D: Sort data descending


This is the grab-bag of shortcuts that don’t neatly fit into other categories but are equally useful.

  • Ctrl + F: Find (This is often overlooked but is critical when you’re auditing sheets and need to find all instances of a particular value or string.)
  • Ctrl + H: Replace
  • Ctrl + X: Cut
  • Ctrl + C: Copy
  • Ctrl + V: Paste
  • Ctrl + Z: Undo
  • Ctrl + Y: Redo
  • Ctrl + K: Insert hyperlink
  • F7: Spellcheck
  • Alt + E, A, A: Clear all content and formatting
  • Ctrl + Alt + V: Paste Special menu

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