Excel Formulas for Beginner 1 : MAX and MIN

Formulas for Beginner 1: “MAX” and “MIN” Function

“Excel Max and Min Formulas: Extracting Extremes”
Learn to leverage the power of Excel’s Max and Min formulas. Discover how to effortlessly find the highest and lowest values in your data, streamlining analysis and decision-making.

Excel’s Max and Min formulas are your allies’ inefficient data analysis. Learn to swiftly identify the highest and lowest values, allowing you to draw accurate insights with ease.

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♦ Find the Highest point using “MAX”

MAX Function

is a built-in formula that allows you to find the maximum (highest) value within a range of numbers or a set of specified values. It’s particularly useful for identifying the largest value in a dataset, which can be valuable for data analysis, decision-making, and reporting. Here’s how the MAX function works:

Syntax: ‘MAX (range)’

  • Adam’s highest point in all Math, English, and History is 100 points.
  • Adam’s Matn (C3) to History (E3) =MAX(C3:E3) 
  • will bring up the result 100

MAX function

Drag the plus error to copy the previous action. or you can select the range including Ctrl + D


♦ Find the Lowest point using “MIN”

MIN Function

is a built-in formula that allows you to find the minimum (lowest) value within a range of numbers or a set of specified values. It’s a useful tool for identifying the smallest value in a dataset, which can be valuable for data analysis, comparisons, and decision-making. Here’s how the MIN function works:

Syntax: ‘=MIN(range)’

  • Adam’s lowest point in all Math, English, and History is 50 points.
  • Adam’s Matn (C3) to History (E3) =MIN(C3:E3) 
  • will bring up the result 50


Again, drag the plus arrow to find everyone’s result!

min drag

In conclusion, the MAX and MIN functions in Excel are invaluable tools for swiftly extracting meaningful insights from your data. These functions effortlessly pinpoint the highest and lowest values within a dataset, providing critical information for decision-making, analysis, and comparisons. Whether you’re identifying peak performance, lowest costs, extreme temperatures, or any numeric extremities, the MAX and MIN functions simplify the process. By mastering these functions, you unlock the ability to efficiently interpret your data’s range and harness it to make informed choices. Elevate your data-driven endeavors by harnessing the power of Excel’s MAX and MIN functions, and watch your ability to derive meaningful insights soar to new heights.


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