Excel IF-Basic Skills Formula

Excel IF-Basic Skills Formula

“Create logical conditions and perform different actions based on whether they’re true or false using the IF formula in Excel. Make your spreadsheets dynamic and responsive by using this powerful function for conditional calculations and data processing.” 

The IF formula in Excel is used to perform conditional logic and make decisions based on the evaluation of a specified condition. It allows you to automate processes and calculations by specifying what actions or values should be displayed in a cell depending on whether a given condition is true or false

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Before we dive in, remember, we learned about Why using Equal signs (=) and arithmetic symbols is Important. 

What does the comma (” , “) means in Excel? 

In Excel formulas, the comma (,) serves as a separator between different arguments or parameters within a function. Functions in Excel take specific inputs (arguments) to perform calculations or actions, and these arguments are separated by commas.

The commas are used to separate the three arguments of the IF function:

explain comma using IF formula

Each argument is separated by a comma to indicate its place within the function. When you enter a formula in Excel, the commas help Excel understand how the function’s arguments are structured and what each argument represents.

explain comma using SUM formula

The comma separates two ranges (A1:A10 and B1:B10) that you want to sum together using the SUM function. The comma tells Excel that these are two distinct arguments being provided to the function.

What is IF Formula?

The IF formula in Excel is a logical function that allows you to perform different actions based on whether a specified condition is true or false. It helps you make decisions and automate calculations within your spreadsheets.

In simpler terms, the IF formula helps you answer “if-then” questions in your Excel spreadsheets. It allows you to set up different outcomes based on whether a particular condition is met.

The basic syntax of the IF formula is:

♦ logical_test: is the condition you’re evaluating.

♦ Value_if_true: is what the cell should display if the condition is true.

♦ Value_if_false: is what the cell should display if the condition is false.

For example,

IF it’s bigger ( > ) than 

IF example

For example,

♦ logical_test: 

C2 should be bigger”>” or same”=“ than $5.00

♦ Value_if_true: 

If this is true (bigger or same than 5) place “A”

♦ Value_if_false: 

If this is false (bigger or same than 5) place “B”

 = Apple is cheaper than $5.00 so it is false for my logic test. The result will be B (for false)

= Grape is more expensive than %5.00 so it is true for my logic test. This brings the result A (for true)

If formula example

IF it’s smaller ( < ) than 

example using If formula

♦ logical_test: 

C2 will need to be lower( > ) or same (=) than 50 point

♦ Value_if_true: 

If lower or tame than 50 points (true) = place “Fail”

♦ Value_if_false: 

If higher than 50 points (false from the logic) = place “Pass”

 = Angela has more than 50 points (false from the logic) so she is “Pass”

= Elle has lower points than 50 (true from the logic) so she is a “Fail”

You can check your IF formula using formula error checking :
  1. Select the cell containing the SUM formula you want to check.
  2. Click on the “Formulas” tab in the Excel ribbon.
  3. Click on the “Error Checking” button in the “Formula Auditing” group.
  4. Select “Trace Error” from the drop-down menu that appears.
Excel Spreadsheets Free

the IF formula in Excel is a powerful tool that enables you to introduce conditional logic and decision-making capabilities into your spreadsheets. By using the IF formula, you can:

  1. Automate Decisions: Make your spreadsheet more intelligent by setting up conditions that determine which values or actions to display based on specific criteria.
  2. Customize Output: Tailor your spreadsheet’s output to provide different results depending on the values you’re evaluating.
  3. Enhance Data Analysis: Utilize the IF formula to analyze data more effectively, segmenting and categorizing it according to different conditions.
  4. Create Dynamic Spreadsheets: With the IF formula, your spreadsheets can dynamically respond to changes in data, automatically updating results based on altering conditions.
  5. Simplify Complex Logic: Condense complex decision-making processes into a simple formula, reducing the need for manual intervention.

Remember to follow the syntax of the IF formula: =IF(logical_test, value_if_true, value_if_false). Insert your specific conditions, values, or calculations for each argument, and Excel will perform the logic as instructed. Whether you’re calculating grades, tracking inventory levels, or evaluating sales targets, the IF formula empowers you to add sophistication and efficiency to your Excel spreadsheets.

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