Excel Sort Function – Sort Text: A to Z , Z to A

How Sort data in Excel from A to Z (Ascending order), or Z to A (descending order)

“Master Excel’s sorting function to organize your data effortlessly. Learn how to arrange information in ascending or descending order for better analysis and presentation.”

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A to Z Sort (Ascending Order):

“A to Z” sorting in Excel refers to sorting data in ascending alphabetical order. This means that when you apply an “A to Z” sort to a column of text data, Excel will rearrange the data so that the values appear in alphabetical order from the beginning (A) to the end (Z) of the alphabet. This type of sorting is useful for organizing and arranging data such as names, titles, or any other text-based information.

1. Select the data

– Let’s sort the Name range in ascending order. Select from Adam (B2) to Elle(B11)

Select the data

2. Access the Sort Dialog:

Right click -> Sort -> Sort A to Z

Access the Sort Dialog

3. Confirm Sort: 

Excel will prompt you with a confirmation dialog. Make sure the “Expand the selection” option is selected if you have headers or data in adjacent columns that you want to keep together.

Confirm Sort:

Click “Sort” to complete the sorting process. (Yellow highlighted parts have been changed!)

Click "Sort"

– Sort Gender A to Z

Sort Gender A to Z

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 Z to A Sort (Descending Order):

“Z to A” sort in Excel refers to sorting data in descending alphabetical order. When you apply a “Z to A” sort to a column of text data, Excel will rearrange the data so that the values appear in reverse alphabetical order, from the end of the alphabet (Z) to the beginning (A). This type of sorting is useful for quickly identifying the highest or latest values in a dataset.

1. Select the data

– Let’s sort the Name range in descending order this time. Select from Adam (B2) to Elle(B11)

2. Access the Sort Dialog:

Right click -> Sort -> Sort Z to A

Access the Sort Dialog

3. Confirm Sort: 

Excel will prompt you with a confirmation dialog. Make sure the “Expand the selection” option is selected if you have headers or data in adjacent columns that you want to keep together. Now the names are in descending order!

Confirm Sort

Custom Sort:

Custom sorting in Excel allows you to arrange your data based on specific criteria that go beyond simple alphabetical or numerical order. It provides you with the flexibility to define your own sorting rules to suit your data’s unique characteristics. With custom sorting, you can prioritize and order data based on various conditions and values. Here’s how it works:

Custom sorting in Excel allows you to define your own sorting order based on specific criteria that might not be covered by standard alphabetical or numerical sorting.

For instance, you might want to sort a list of months in the order they appear in a fiscal year rather than alphabetically.

1. Select Data 

– Hightlight the range of cells that you want to sort. This could be a single column or multiple columns.

Select Data 

2. Access the Sort Dialog:

Right Click -> Sort -> Custom Sort

Access the Sort Dialog:

  • Sort By: Choose the column by which you want to sort. If you’re sorting by multiple columns, you can add additional levels here (By Point) 
  • Sort On: Specify what you’re sorting: values, cell color, font color, or icon. (On Cell Values)
  • Order: choose the sorting order (ascending or descending) (Smallest to Largest – numbers / A to Z – Gender)
  • Custom List: If you have a specific order you want to apply, you can select a custom list here.

sort on

4. Add Levels:

Prioritize your order. If you want to perform a multi-level customs sort (e.g., first sort by one column and then by another), you can add additional levels by clicking the “add level”

Add Levels:

♦ More ways to Sort

Besides the right click, you can also find the sort icon in Home -> Sort & Filter icon on your left.

More ways to Sort

Excel Online Free

Excel’s sorting function offers a versatile toolkit for organizing and analyzing data with precision. Whether arranging data alphabetically, numerically or based on custom criteria, sorting brings clarity to datasets of all sizes. By harnessing the power of sorting, you transform raw information into intelligible patterns, facilitating easier decision-making and analysis. The ability to effortlessly arrange data in ascending or descending order enhances the effectiveness of your spreadsheets, simplifying tasks and enabling insights to emerge. Whether you’re arranging names, numbers, dates, or custom categories, mastering Excel’s sorting function is an essential skill that empowers you to manipulate and present data with confidence and efficiency.

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