Excel SUMIF-Basic Skills Formula

Excel SUMIF-Basic Skills Formula

“Learn how to use the SUMIF formula in Excel to efficiently analyze and summarize data. Discover the technique to calculate sums based on specific criteria, enhancing your data manipulation skills. Unlock the potential of Excel’s SUMIF function for accurate and insightful data analysis.” 

Before we dive in, you might want to also know about:

Formula – SUM 

Formula – IF 

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What is SUMIF in excel? 

The SUMIF formula in Excel is a powerful function used to calculate the sum of values in a range based on a specified condition or criteria. It allows you to add up values that meet a specific criterion while ignoring those that do not match the condition.

The syntax of the SUMIF formula is as follows:

sumif formula syntax

  • range:

This is the range of cells that you want to evaluate against the criteria.

  • criteria:

This is the condition or criteria that you want to apply to the range. It can be a number, text, expression, or cell reference.

  • sum_range:

(Optional) This is the range of cells that contains the values you want to sum. If omitted, Excel will use the same range as the “range” parameter for the summation.

Here’s an example of how the SUMIF formula works:
  1. Let’s figure out the total sale’s for Apple. 

total sales for apple

2. Select the Range: 

This is the range of cells that you want to evaluate against the criteria.

1) Select the cell that you want to place your result.

2) Click the Function Arguments.

3) Fill out the Range, Criteria, Sum_range

select the range for sumif

2. Fill out the Range, Criteria, Sum_range
  • We are looking for Fruits total, so select the Range where Fruit is located (C4:C21)

sumif formula range

  • This is the condition or criteria that you want to apply to the range. It can be a number, text, expression, or cell reference. So “Apple” for Criteria


  • his is the range of cells that contains the values you want to sum. We are looking for the total of Sales, select Sales.

sales range

The SUMIF formula calculate the total sales amount of “Apple”

total range of apple sumif

Use the same logic for Banana and Orange to find out the total sales amount.

total sales amount sumif

The SUMIF formula in Excel offers a versatile and efficient way to perform targeted data analysis and calculation. By allowing users to selectively sum values based on specific criteria, it empowers individuals to extract meaningful insights from their datasets. Whether it’s aggregating expenses by category, calculating sales figures for specific products, or summarizing any dataset based on conditions, the SUMIF formula is a valuable tool. Its simplicity and flexibility make it an essential asset for professionals, students, and anyone working with data in Excel. By mastering the art of using SUMIF, you can enhance your ability to uncover trends, make informed decisions, and effectively manage numerical information within your spreadsheets.

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