How to Automatically Fill Without Formatting in Excel

How to Automatically Fill Without Formatting in Excel

Effortlessly replicate data in Excel without the headache of unwanted formatting. Discover the power of “Fill Without Formatting” – your key to precision, consistency, and a seamlessly polished spreadsheet. Say goodbye to formatting woes and hello to efficiency!

AutoFill is designed to make your life easier by copying patterns, but it tends to bring along formatting styles that may not suit your needs. If you’ve struggled with unintended font changes, colors, or borders, it’s time to embrace the art of AutoFill without formatting.

Understanding the Challenge: AutoFill and Formatting Woes

AutoFill is designed to make your life easier by copying patterns, but it tends to bring along formatting styles that may not suit your needs. If you’ve struggled with unintended font changes, colors, or borders, it’s time to embrace the art of AutoFill without formatting.

Before Applying “Fill Without Formatting”:

Imagine you have a column of sales data with a specific currency format in the first cell, and you want to replicate this data without inheriting the formatting.

How to Automatically Fill Without Formatting in Excel

1. Select the Source Cell

  • Click on the cell containing the formatted sales data (e.g., $1,200.00).

2. Hover Over the Fill Handle:

  • Position your cursor over the small square at the bottom right corner of the selected cell (AutoFill handle).


3. Right-click and Drag:

  • Right-click on the fill handle, and while holding the right mouse button, drag it down to fill the cells below.


4. Release the Mouse Button:

  • Release the right mouse button, and the cells will be filled without adopting the source cell’s formatting.

fill out the data format issue

There are occasions where the formatting breaks after using AutoFill

After Applying “Fill Without Formatting”:

  • Formatting ->  Clear
  • or Fill without Formatting


fill without formatting

  1. Copy Cells:
    • Description: Copying cells is a fundamental function in Excel, allowing you to duplicate the content of selected cells.
    • How to Use:
      • Select the cells you want to copy.
      • Right-click and choose “Copy” or use the keyboard shortcut (Ctrl+C).
      • Move to the destination, right-click, and choose “Paste” or use the keyboard shortcut (Ctrl+V).
  2. Fill Series:
    • Description: Fill Series is used to automatically populate a range of cells with a series of data, such as numbers, dates, or custom sequences.
    • How to Use:
      • Enter the starting value in a cell.
      • Drag the fill handle (bottom right corner of the selected cell) or use the Fill command to extend the series.
  3. Fill Formatting Only:
    • Description: This option allows you to copy only the formatting (such as font style, color, and borders) from a source cell to a destination range without copying the actual content.
    • How to Use:
      • Select the cell with the desired formatting.
      • Right-click, choose “Format Painter,” and then click on the destination cell or range.
  4. Fill Without Formatting:
    • Description: Fill Without Formatting is used to copy the content of cells without carrying over any formatting from the source.
    • How to Use:
      • Right-click the fill handle of the selected cell.
      • In the context menu, choose “Fill Without Formatting.”
  5. Flash Fill:
    • Description: Flash Fill is a powerful tool that automatically fills values in a column based on patterns it recognizes in adjacent columns.
    • How to Use:
      • Enter a pattern in a column.
      • Start typing the desired pattern in the adjacent column, and Excel will suggest the complete series.
  • Auto-fill out data without formatting breaks

data 2 succsess data

More options

1. Data Bars:

  • Description: Data Bars are visual representations of data within cells, typically applied to a range of numeric values. They provide a quick visual comparison of values.
  • How to Use:
    • Select the range of cells you want to format.
    • Go to the “Home” tab, click on “Conditional Formatting,” and choose “Data Bars.”

data bars

2. Color:

  • Description: Adding color to cells or text can be used to highlight specific information, categorize data, or draw attention to important details.
  • How to Use:
    • Select the cells or text you want to format.
    • Go to the “Home” tab, click on the “Fill Color” or “Font Color” button, and choose the desired color.


3. Icon Set – Greater Than:

  • Description: Icon Sets are sets of icons (e.g., arrows, stars) applied to cells based on predefined rules. “Greater Than” sets an icon if the value is greater than a specified threshold.
  • How to Use:
    • Select the range of cells.
    • Go to the “Home” tab, click on “Conditional Formatting,” choose “Icon Sets,” and select the “Greater Than” set.


icon set

4. Top 10%:

  • Description: This formatting option highlights the top percentage of values in a range. It’s useful for identifying the highest values in a dataset.
  • How to Use:
    • Select the range of cells.
    • Go to the “Home” tab, click on “Conditional Formatting,” and choose “Top/Bottom Rules,” then “Top 10%.”

5. Clear Formatting:

  • Description: Clear Formatting is used to remove all formatting applied to a selected range, including color, font styles, and conditional formatting.
  • How to Use:
    • Select the range of cells with formatting.
    • Go to the “Home” tab, click on “Clear” in the “Editing” group, and choose “Clear Formats.”

how to freeze row

In conclusion, mastering the technique of automatically filling cells without formatting in Excel can significantly enhance your workflow by ensuring precision and consistency in data replication. By utilizing the “Fill Without Formatting” option, you empower yourself to transfer essential data seamlessly while avoiding the unintentional inheritance of formatting styles.

This approach not only saves time but also contributes to maintaining a professional and polished appearance throughout your spreadsheet. The ability to replicate data without the burden of unwanted formatting issues provides a valuable tool for users who prioritize efficiency and accuracy in their Excel endeavors.

As you incorporate “Fill Without Formatting” into your toolkit, you gain greater control over your data replication process. Say goodbye to the frustration of formatting inconsistencies and hello to a more streamlined and visually cohesive spreadsheet experience.

In the dynamic world of Excel, where precision matters, mastering the nuances of “Fill Without Formatting” elevates your proficiency, ensuring that your data remains the focus without being obscured by unnecessary styling. Empower your Excel mastery by embracing this essential technique and enjoy a smoother, more efficient data management journey.