How to Create Hierarchy Chart with Excel SmartArt

How to Create Hierarchy Chart with Excel SmartArt: A Simple and Effective Guide

Excel is a versatile tool not only for data management but also for creating various business documents. Among these, organizational charts are essential for visually representing and understanding internal organizational structures. In this blog post, we will explore how to use Excel’s SmartArt feature to create organizational charts efficiently and effectively.

How to Create Hierarchy Chart with Excel SmartArt

Learn how to create clear and professional organizational charts using Excel’s SmartArt feature. Follow step-by-step instructions to visualize your organization’s hierarchy and relationships, enhancing communication and understanding.

1. What is SmartArt?

  • SmartArt is one of Excel’s graphic features that allows you to effectively convey information using various visual elements.

2. Choosing Organizational Chart SmartArt:

  • To create an organizational chart in Excel, select the SmartArt style that corresponds to organizational charts.
  • Insert -> SmartArt

smart art

3. Creating the Basic Structure:

  • To create an organizational chart, start by designing the basic structure, considering the organization’s hierarchy and the information to include.
  • Hierarchy -> choose design


4. Entering and Editing Text:

  • Input and edit text in SmartArt to add details such as the names, titles, and contact information of team members.
  • Copy the Title and Names and added on the text.

sample data

  • Now, copy the values from the organizational chart range in the sheet, excluding the header. After pasting the text into the organizational chart text area, you may notice that there is unnecessary whitespace added at the end. Delete the unnecessary values by pressing the Delete or Backspace key

select text

5. Adjust the levels:

  • Select the item you want to adjust in the text area, then press the Tab key to move it down one level.
  • you can press Shift + Tab to move it up one level.
  • Use the Tab key for each item to complete the basic framework of the organizational chart as shown in the image below.

select tab

6. Add Shape

  • For ‘Secretary Office,’ you can add it as an assistant between the team and the CEO levels without moving it down to the team level.
  • Select ‘CEO,’ then click on [SmartArt Design] – [Add Shape] – [Add Assistant]. This will add a new assistant between ‘CEO Level’ and ‘Team Level.

add shape

7. Selecting Colors and Styles:

  • Adjust the colors and styles of SmartArt elements to make your organizational chart visually appealing.
  • Select the one you want to change -> right click -> Format Shape 

change color

  • Or, you may use the colors that MS provides. SmartArt Design -> Change Colors

color samples

8. Making Ongoing Edits:

  • Easily update SmartArt when organizational changes occur, ensuring that your chart remains current.

9. Saving and Sharing:

  • Save and share your organizational chart as needed, facilitating collaboration and understanding within your team.
  • Select All, right click -> save as pictures 

contral all

More about Excel 

Google SmartArt

Creating organizational charts with Excel SmartArt is a valuable skill that simplifies the visualization of internal structures within an organization. In this guide, we’ve explored the process step by step, from selecting the appropriate SmartArt style to adjusting levels and adding assistants. By following these instructions, you can efficiently and effectively create clear and professional organizational charts in Excel, which are essential for business documentation and presentations. Excel’s SmartArt feature provides a user-friendly platform to represent your organization’s hierarchy and relationships visually, enhancing communication and understanding among team members and stakeholders.