How to Get Started with War Thunder

How to Get Started with War Thunder

So, you’ve heard about War Thunder and you’re interested in diving into the action. You’re in luck! In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to get started with this immersive online vehicular combat game. Whether you’re a newbie in the gaming world or a seasoned player looking to try something new, this guide is for you.

What is War Thunder? 

War Thunder is a free-to-play online multiplayer vehicular combat game developed by Gaijin Entertainment. The game is available on multiple platforms, including PC, PlayStation, and Xbox. War Thunder was initially released in 2012 and has gained a large online community since then. The game is set in various historical periods, primarily focusing on World War II, but it also includes content from the Spanish Civil War, the Cold War, and other modern military conflicts. Players can engage in battles on land, in the air, and at sea, using a wide array of vehicles including tanks, aircraft, and naval vessels. The game features a realistic physics engine, providing an immersive experience with detailed environments and realistic combat mechanics. Players have the option to choose between different modes, which range from arcade-style action to more realistic simulations. In the arcade mode, the game mechanics are simplified, making it easier for casual gamers to jump in. The realistic and simulator modes offer a more authentic experience, requiring players to take into account factors like wind direction, ammunition types, and even the physics of their vehicle’s movements. The game has a vast tech tree featuring hundreds of different vehicles from various nations, each with their own unique characteristics and capabilities. Players can unlock these vehicles by gaining experience points and currency through gameplay, although there are also in-game purchases that allow for quicker progression.

Step 1: Choose Your Platform

War Thunder is available on multiple platforms, including PC, PlayStation, and Xbox. Decide which platform you’d like to use for the game.

Step 2: Download and Install

  • For PC:
    1. Visit the Website: Go to the official War Thunder website.
    2. Download the Client: Click on the “Download the Game” button to download the War Thunder installer.
    3. Install the Game: Run the downloaded installer and follow the on-screen instructions to install the game on your computer.
    4. Launch and Register: Once installed, launch the game and either log in with an existing account or create a new one.
    5. Begin Gameplay: After logging in, you can start participating in battles.


  • For PlayStation:
    1. Go to PlayStation Store: Open the PlayStation Store on your console.
    2. Search for War Thunder: Use the search bar to find War Thunder.
    3. Download: Once you find it, click the “Download” button.
    4. Install: The game will automatically install after the download is complete.
    5. Play: Launch the game and either log in or create a new account to begin playing.


  • For Xbox:
    1. Go to Microsoft Store: Open the Microsoft Store on your Xbox console.
    2. Search for War Thunder: Use the search bar to find War Thunder.
    3. Download: Once you find it, click the “Get” button.
    4. Install: The game will automatically install after the download is complete.
    5. Play: Launch the game, log in or create a new account, and start playing.

Step 4: Choose Your Game Mode

War Thunder offers several game modes:

  • Arcade Battles: For casual and fast-paced gameplay.
  • Realistic Battles: For a more challenging experience requiring tactical skills.
  • Simulator Battles: For the most authentic, simulation-based combat.

Step 5: Select Your Vehicle and Nation

You’ll be presented with a tech tree featuring a variety of vehicles and nations. Choose one based on your interest and the type of combat you wish to engage in (air, land, or sea).

Step 6: Jump into Battle

Once you’ve got the basics down, you’re ready to join a battle. Pick a battle mode, ready your vehicle, and dive into the action.
As you participate in battles, you’ll earn experience points and in-game currency, which you can use to unlock new vehicles, upgrades, and other features.
War Thunder has a vibrant community. Consider joining forums, participating in events, and even trying your hand at the esports scene if you’re feeling competitive.

The official website for War Thunder is On this website, you can find information about the game, updates, download links, community forums, and more. It’s a comprehensive resource for anyone looking to play the game or improve their gameplay.

Ware Thunder store

The War Thunder store can be accessed through their official website or directly within the game client. The store offers a variety of in-game items, including premium vehicles, Golden Eagles (the game’s premium currency), and other premium features. You can purchase these using real-world money to enhance your gaming experience.

You can access the War Thunder store here.

Please note that in-game purchases can be made through various payment methods, depending on your region and preferences. Always make sure to read the terms and conditions before making any purchases.