Using IF Function to Perform Conditional Search Based on Specific Characters; IF, ISNUMBER, SEARCH

Using IF Function to Perform Conditional Search Based on Specific Characters; IF, ISNUMBER, SEARCH

In Excel, you can combine multiple functions to create powerful formulas that can simplify your data tasks. One such combination is using the IF function with the SEARCH function to perform a conditional search based on specific characters in a cell.

Formula Syntax:

The formula you’d use is: =IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH(“SpecificCharacter”, CellReference)), TrueValue, FalseValue)

  • SpecificCharacter: The character or substring you’re looking for.
  • CellReference: The Excel cell where you want to search for the specific character.
  • TrueValue: The value that will be returned if the specific character is found.
  • FalseValue: The value that will be returned if the specific character is not found.

For example:


  • SEARCH(G2, B3:B17): This function looks for the text in cell G2 within each cell in the range B3:B17. If it finds the text, it returns the position at which the text starts. If not, it returns an error.
  • ISNUMBER(): This function checks if the result of SEARCH() is a number (meaning that the text was found) or not.
  • IF(): The IF function then uses ISNUMBER() to decide what value to return:
  • If ISNUMBER() returns TRUE (the text was found), the formula will output “O”.
  • If ISNUMBER() returns FALSE (the text was not found), the formula will output an empty string (“”).

example with


However, there is a limitation. The formula as it stands won’t work across a range (B3:B17) as Excel doesn’t natively support array operations for the SEARCH function in this way. For that, you would typically use an array formula or some other method.

Here’s how you could achieve similar functionality using array formulas in Excel:

Using Excel’s Array Formulas (for Microsoft 365)


This formula will search for the value in G2 within each cell of the range B3:B17. If the text is found in any cell within that range, MAX(ISNUMBER(SEARCH(G2, B3:B17))) will return TRUE, and the IF function will output “O”. Otherwise, it will output an empty string (“”).

More about IF Function

The formula =IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH(G2,B3:B17)),”O”,””) might seem complex at first glance, but when broken down, it provides a robust method for text-based searches across a range of cells. Whether you’re a seasoned Excel user or a beginner looking to up your game, understanding this formula can save you time and effort in your data tasks.

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